Daily Life
The children get up at 6 o’clock in the morning and participate in some physical activity, such as stretching and running, followed by a prayer. After that they have time to shower and get ready for school. After having had their breakfast they assemble on the basketball court at 8.40 o’clock to sing the national anthem. Classes start at 9am and go on until 3.30 pm, including a 20 minute break in the morning and a 1 hour lunch break. The afternoons are free for the children to do their homework and play. After having had their dinner at 8pm they do their prayers and go to their rooms to get ready for bed.

Free time
Afternoons and Sunday’s are free for the children. They help to clean and maintain the school grounds on Sundays and wash their clothes. They engage in different sport activities such as Basketball, Cricket, Football or Volleyball. Apart from that they like to play board games, paint, dance or watch TV. The girls spend a lot of time playing board games, coloring and rope skipping. The older girls enjoy watching Bollywood movies and music videos to learn the dance moves. The boy’s mostly play outdoors and cricket.
Taking responsibilities
Children involve themselves in activities around the school that help them grow into responsible and independent humans.
The older children help to maintain the plants that grow in the school ground. That includes watering them regularly, removing weeds and harvesting them once the time is right.
All children wash and dry their own clothes, plates, and cups. The elder children assist and help the younger children in the beginning.
From class 8 onwards the students take turns to help in preparation of meals

Health Care
The children are all very healthy and none of them shows symptoms of malnutrition. Since 2010 a medical student group from the “Taiwan University” comes once a year.
They give every child a full health check-up, to make sure that no diseases remain untreated. For that purpose every child has a health passport in which height, weight and other information are being documented. The only health issue comes up during winter season, as many kids are catching a cold during that time.